Curriculum Vitae
- Person-Related Identification Information
- Eliška Poláčková, born 3 May, 1986
- Department
- Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
- Employment - Position
- Assistant Professor
- Education and Academic Qualifications
- 2017: PhD, Theatre and Film History and Theory, dissertation: Theatricality of Bohemian Literature of the Fourteenth Century, Department of Theatre Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
- 2011: MA, Theatre History and Theory, Latin Language and Literature (specialized in Medieval Latin), final thesis: Pseudolus by Plautus - Czech Translations and Productions, Department of Theatre Studies, Department of Classics, Masaryk University
- 2010: BA, English Language and Literature, final thesis: Everyman and Homulus: Analysis of Their Genetic Relation, Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University
- 2008: BA, Latin Language and Literature, Czech Language and Literature, final thesis: The Ballad by Karel Jaromír Erben ‘Svatební košile’ – Genesis and reception of the Text, Department of Classics, Department of Czech Language and Literature, Masaryk University
- Employment
- 2016-now: Department of Theatre Studies, Masaryk University, Assistant Professor (from 2017)
- 2014-now: Centre for Classical Studies, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2012-2014: Executive Editor of "Theatralia" journal, issued by the DEpartment of Theatre Studies, Masaryk University
- 2012-2014: Centre for Innovation of Arts Studies, Department of Musicology, staff
- 2006-2012: dramaturg of Divadlo Aldente Theatre
- Teaching Activities
- On Theatre and Drama in Classical Greek and Rome: Classical Greek and Roman Theatre, Reading Euripides´ Hippolytus, Reading Plautus´ Mostellaria and Menaechmi, Latin for Theatre Students
- On Medieval Theatre, Drama, and Performances: Medieval Theatre, Medieval Performances,Plancts - Between Text and Performance, Feast of Fools as a Cultural Performance
- On Theatre Translation: Adapting for Theatre (with Pavel Drábek), Translating Plautus´ Curculio
- General Courses: English for Theatre Students, Text in Text, Offending the Theatre
- Scientific and Research Activities
- Medieval Bohemian Theatre and Drama (in Czech and Latin)
- Classical Roman Theatre and Drama
- Medieval Performativity
- Performativity in Classical Antiquity
- Translating for Theatre (theory, and practice: translating from Latin)
- Internship
- 5day research stay at the National and Kapodistrian University in Athens, 2–6 Sept 2019, financed by the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Teaching stay financed by Erasmus+ at the Department of Theatre Studies, University in Bergen, 5–6 March 2018
- 5day research stay in Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek, library of Swedish Academy of Letters (Kungliga Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien), 28 Aug–1 Sept 2017, financed by the Czech Academy of Sciences
- University Activities
- November 2019: workshop Play Like Plautus for the participants of an international conference organized by Dpt of Classical Studies and Dpt of Theatre Studies, Plautus From Page to Stage, 12-14 Nov 2019
- October 2019-April 2020: series of lectures for the conjoint Junior University Programme of the Theatre Faculty, Academy of Performing Arts, Brno and the Department of Theatre Studies
- October 2018: "Liminality of the altar/piece in the Middle Ages. Liturgical and Para-liturgical performances", co-authored paper (with Jan Klípa) at the international conference Liminality and the Medieval Art II (Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Masaryk University)
- September 2018: "‘O Strange Humour!’ Translating Plautus For Performance", paper at the international ESSE Conference (Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University), given in the panel "Literary Hermeneutics: Openness In Translating Drama and Verse" (organized by Pavel Drábek and Pascale Drouet)
- July 2018: "Titus Maccius Plautus and Roman Comedy", requested popularizing lecture at the Moravian Parnasus, a festival of Baroque Theatre in Mikulov
- July 2018: "A Prince or a Pauper?: Staging Noble Lineage in the Coronation Order of Emperor Charles IV". Paper at the Leeds International Medieval Congress, session organized by Société Internationale pour l´étude du théâtre médiéval
- April 2018: "Medieval Planct - Between Text and Performance". Requested lecture at the 65th Medievistic Friday (Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University)
- March 2018: Classical Theatre as a Mirror of the Society, lecture for grammar school teachers, Department of Classics, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
- March 2018: "Nechte si ty svoje fóra... teda fóry". Translating Roman Comedy, lecture at the Translation Day, University in Ostrava, co-authored with Tomáš Weissar
- October 2017: Medieval Theatre in the Czech Lands, lecture for students of the Lifelong Learning Study Programme of Masaryk University
- October 2017: Medieval Performativity, lecture, Theatre Research Society (Prague)
- July 2015: Paper at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, UK; "Between Text and Performance: Planctus as Liminal Genre"
- November 2014: Lecture at the Department of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences, "Old Czech and Latin Bohemian Medieval Placts: Between Text and Performance"
- May 2014: Lecture in the Centre for Medieval Studies; "Medieval Theatre"
- March 2014: Lecture at the Department of Theatre Studies; "Medieval Bohemian Unguentarius Three Times Revisited" with Eva Stehlíková and Martin Bažil
- July 2013: paper at the Triennial Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l'étude du Théâtre Médiéval, Poznaň, Poland; "Ungeuntarius or the Ointment Seller: omnipresent character in European medieval drama"
- June 2012: Paper at the Postgraduate Symposium of Ancient Drama, Oxford and London, UK; "The Site-Specific Seneca"
- January 2011: Paper at the conference Tragic Heroines on Ancient and Modern Stage, Coimbra, Portugal; "Seneca´s Phaedra – A Overpassionate Heroine: Analysis of Hana Burešová´s Faidra"
- July 2008: Summer School of Ancient Drama, organized by European Network of Reasearch and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama, Epidauros, Greece
- Activities Outside University
- Tutorship of final theses, Dept of Theatre Studies, Charles University: Corporeality, liminality and communitas in experiencing the Camino (2019); Heroides or Six Ancient Heroines for Modern Stage (2019)
- Co-organizing Summer Schools of Classics (Centre for Classical Studies at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences)
- For more see
- Awards Related to Science and Research
- 2nd prize, Evald Schorm Prize for an original play, adaptation or translation, Czech Theatre Agency DILIA, 2018 (translation of Titus Maccius Plautus "Curculio or Darmojed", translators: Tomáš Weissar, Eliška Poláčková, Daniela Urbanová, Radek Černoch)
- 2nd prize ex aequo, Dean´s Prize For Outstanding BA, MA, and PhD Theses, for dissertation "Theatricality of Bohemian Literature of the Fourteenth Century"
- Finacial support from Czech Theatre Agency DILIA for a production of the authorial translation of Plautus’ comedy Curculio (with Tomáš Weissar, Daniela Urbanová and Radek Černoch), 2018
- Major Publications
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Verbum caro factum est. Performativita bohemikální literatury 14. století pohledem divadelní vědy. Praha: Filosofia, 2019, 472 s. Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích, svazek 19. ISBN 978-80-7007-575-3. info
- URBANOVÁ, Daniela, Tomáš WEISSAR, Radek ČERNOCH a Eliška POLÁČKOVÁ. Několik poznámek k českému překladu Plautovy komedie Curculio. In J. Balegová, E. Brodňanská, F. Šimon. Hortus Graeco-latinus Cassoviensis II. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Josefa Šafárika v Košicích, FF Katedra klasickej filológie, 2018, s. 241-257. ISBN 978-80-8152-590-2. Elektronická verze sborníku info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Několik poznámek k teatralitě (českého) středověku. Theatralia : revue současného myšlení o divadelní kultuře. Masarykova univerzita, 2018, roč. 21, č. 1, s. 53-70. ISSN 1803-845X. Dostupné z: info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. "Manželské skutky radostně plodiechu". Médeia ve staročeské Kronice trójanské. Praha: Filosofia, 2018, s. 85-109, 24 s. ISBN 978-80-7007-521-0. info
- WEISSAR, Tomáš, Eliška POLÁČKOVÁ, Daniela URBANOVÁ a Radek ČERNOCH. Titus Maccius Plautus: Darmojed. Brno, 2017. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Stereotypy v českých překladech Tita Maccia Plauta. In Jakub Čechvala, Eliška Poláčková. Ve stínu hellénského slunce. Obrazy antiky v moderní české kultuře. Praha: Nakladatelství Filosofia, 2016, s. 243-316, 339-410. ISBN 978-80-7007-460-2. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Slunce, stín a sahara. Několik slov k metodologii. In Jakub Čechvala, Eliška Poláčková. Ve stínu hellénského slunce. Obrazy antiky v moderní české kultuře. Praha: Nakladatelství Filosofia, 2016, s. 9-16. ISBN 978-80-7007-460-2. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Chorikiova obrana herců. Theatralia. Masarykova univerzita, 2016, roč. 19, č. 1, s. 308-310. ISSN 1803-845X. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Dvojí tvář středověkého herce. In Živá historie. Brno: Extra Publishing, 2016, s. 51-53. ISSN 1802-2278. info
- STEHLÍKOVÁ, Eva. Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2014, 554 s. ISBN 978-80-210-7037-0. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Mutato nomine dicor nunc Homulus. Latin Translation of the Morality Play of Elckelijc. Listy filologické. Praha: Kabinet pro klasická studia, 2012, roč. 135, 3-4, s. 323-339. ISSN 0024-4457. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Český překlad antických her : Quo Vadis? Theatralia/Yorick. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, roč. 15, č. 1, s. 136-150. ISSN 1803-845X. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Římské divadlo v době císařské aneb Jeden den filozofa Senecy. In Seneca: Faidra. Brno: Městské divadlo Brno, 2012, s. 71-84, 13 s. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Jonathan Chadwick: Hra. Městské divadlo Zlín, 2012. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Potřebujeme nové formy? Reflexe finálových textů Ceny Konstantina Trepleva pro mladé dramatiky uvedených na festivalu DHNP "Jirka Kniha hledá autora". Theatralia/Yorick. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2011, roč. 14, č. 2, s. 227-233. ISSN 1803-845X. info
- POLÁČKOVÁ, Eliška. Seneca’ Phaedra – an over passionate heroine: analysis of Hana Burešová’s Faidra. In Maria de Fátima Silva, Susana Hora Marques. Tragic Heroines on Ancient and Modern Stage. University of Coimbra: Centre of Classical and Humanistic Studies, 2010, s. 109-119, 127 s. ISBN 978-989-8281-40-1. info