Faculty staff

doc. PhDr. Martin Flašar, Ph.D.

Associate professor, Department of Musicology

correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno

office: bldg. N/06005
Janáčkovo nám. 654/2a
602 00 Brno

Show on the map

phone: +420 549 49 3790
e‑mail: flasar@phil.muni.cz
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Finished procedures

Habilitation procedures
Applicant's name at procedure initiation PhDr. Martin Flašar, Ph.D.
Applicant's workplace at procedure initiation Faculty of Arts
Procedure field Musicology
Faculty implementing procedure Faculty of Arts
Procedure status appointment to associate professor
Procedure initiation date 25 Oct 2019
Procedure conclusion date 1 Mar 2021
Habilitation thesis (publicly available part) Man - music - technology: The question of the influence of technology on the musical thinking of the 20th and early 21st century
Habilitation thesis reviewers doc. Mgr. Richard Fajnor (Janáčkova akademie múzických umění)
doc. MgA. Slavomír Hořínka, Ph.D. (Akademie múzických umění v Praze)
doc. MgA. Mgr. Michal Rataj, Ph.D. (Akademie múzických umění v Praze)
Reviewers' thesis reports Report 1 | Report 2 | Report 3
Public lecture 9 Dec 2020 | Lecture Evaluation
habilitation board
Chair prof. PhDr. Miloš Štědroň, CSc. (Faculty of Arts MU)
Members prof. dr. Matjaž Barbo (University of Ljubljana)
prof. PaedDr. Miloš Hons, Ph.D. (The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague)
prof. PhDr. Lubomír Spurný, Ph.D. (Faculty of Arts MU)
prof. MgA. Vít Zouhar, Ph.D. (Palacký University Olomouc)
Board decision Board Decision
Faculty scientific board session date 14 Jan 2021

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