Mgr. Peter Maňo, M.A., Ph.D.
Researcher II, Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion
Total number of publications: 50
Rituals as signals of mate quality
Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, year: 2022, volume: 3, edition: 100048, DOI
The WEIRD language of surveys
Year: 2022, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Effects of sorcery beliefs on parochial prosociality in Mauritius
Year: 2021, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Ritual form and ritual choice among Hindu Mauritians
Year: 2021, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Ritualization increases the perceived efficacy of instrumental actions
Cognition, year: 2021, volume: 215, edition: June, DOI
Social inequality and signaling in a costly ritual
Evolution and Human Behavior, year: 2021, volume: 42, edition: 6, DOI
Vladimír Bahna, Nadprirodzené skúsenosti a naratívna myseľ – Sociálna nákazlivosť spomienok
Year: 2020, type:
"Prečo veríme?" Vystoupení v pořadu Experiment
Year: 2019, type: Popularization text
Antropológia rituálu na Mauríciu (Európska noc výskumníkov -
Year: 2019, type: Popularization text
Antropológia rituálu na Mauríciu : Prečo podstupujeme obradné utrpenie? (Týždeň vedy a techniky)
Year: 2019, type: Popularization text