Celoživotní učení v institucionálních souvislostech (MUNI/A/0820/2013)
MU Researcher: doc. Mgr. Petr Novotný, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 1/2014 — 12/2014Investor: Masaryk University / Grant Agency of Masaryk University -
Processes of Organizational Learning and their Leadership and Management in Schools (GAP407/10/1197)
MU Researcher: prof. PhDr. Milan Pol, CSc. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 3/2010 — 12/2012Investor: Czech Science Foundation / Standard Projects -
University network for innovation in guidance (0683/2009)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Lenka Hloušková, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 10/2009 — 10/2012Investor: European Union / LLP Erasmus -
Inovace předmětů Profesní a Kariérového poradenství (FRVS/2165/2011)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Lenka Hloušková, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 1/2011 — 12/2011Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / University Development Fund -
Pedagogická diagnostika (FRVS/850/2010)
MU Researcher: doc. PhDr. Bohumíra Lazarová, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 1/2010 — 12/2010Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / University Development Fund -
Zvyšování úrovně poradenské péče (ROZV/7/7/2010)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Šárka Karmazínová MU Faculty or unit: Rector's Office Project Period: 1/2010 — 12/2010Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Development Programmes -
Czech School Head Teachers and their Personal and Professional Path Developement (GA406/07/0845)
MU Researcher: prof. PhDr. Milan Pol, CSc. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 1/2007 — 12/2009Investor: Czech Science Foundation / Standard Projects -
Monografie na téma: kultura školy (MUNI/21/HLO/2008)
MU Researcher: Mgr. Lenka Hloušková, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 3/2008 — 11/2008Investor: Masaryk University / Rector's programme to support MU student's creative work -
Adult Education in Various Stages of the Life Cycle: Priorities, Opportunities and Possibilities of Development (1J017/04-DP2)
MU Researcher: prof. PhDr. Milada Rabušicová, Dr. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 7/2004 — 12/2008Investor: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR / Modern society and its transformation (National programme of research) -
Zkvalitnění vzdělávání a odborné přípravy studentů psychologie a sociální pedagogiky (CZ.04.1.03/
MU Researcher: PhDr. Pavel Humpolíček, Ph.D. MU Faculty or unit: Faculty of Arts Project Period: 10/2005 — 10/2007Investor: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR / Operationat Programme Human resource development