Office hours
Courses taught
Autumn 2010 at Faculty of Arts
- Doctoral Exam
- Doctoral seminar I
- Doctoral seminar II
- Doctoral seminar III
- Doctoral seminar IV
- Hispanoamerican Short Stories
- Introduction to Criticisme
- Master's Thesis (SJIIA115, UZSJ2A115X)
- Master's Thesis Seminar
- Master's Thesis Seminar I
- Minor Paper
- Minor Paper Seminar
- Minor Thesis
- Minor Thesis Seminar
- Optional lecture I
- Optional lecture II
- Optional lecture III
- Optional lecture IV
- Paper in Foreign Language I
- Paper in Foreign Language II
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference Abroad
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference in Czechia I
- Research and Study (LKDS25, LKDS31, LKDS32, ROMDSPVL)
- Romance Literatures:Comparative Approach
- Semester Colloquium
- Semestrial Control
- Scholarly work I
- Scholarly work II
- Scholarly work III
- Spanish Literature III (SJI3A023X, SJIA023)
- Spanish Literature V (SJIIA104, UZSJ1A104X)
- State Exam (SJIIA116, UZSJ2A116X)
- Strange Language - Variant A- I
- Supplementary Activity I
- Supplementary Activity II
- Supplementary Activity III
- Supplementary Activity IV
- Teaching in the Workplace I
- Teaching in the Workplace II
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language I
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language II
- The Published Special Text in the Czech Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- The Published Special Text in the Foreign Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- Writing Seminar I (LKDS21, ROMDTPL1)
- Writing Seminar II
- Writing Seminar III (LKDS23, ROMDTPL3)
- Writing Seminar IV
- Written Test (SJIIA119, UZSJ2A119X)
Spring 2010 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor's Exam (SJI3A037X, SJIA032)
- Bachelor's Thesis (SJI3A031X, SJIA031)
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar (SJI3A035X, SJIA035)
- Brazilian Literature II
- Doctoral Dissertation (LKDS56, ROMDP)
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis (LKDS55, ROMDTDPL)
- Doctoral Exam
- Doctoral seminar I
- Doctoral seminar II
- Doctoral seminar III
- Doctoral seminar IV
- Europe and the World (European Literatures)
- Hispanoamerican Literature and Criticism
- Introduction to Criticisme
- Master's Thesis (SJIIA115, UZSJA115)
- Master's Thesis Seminar II (SJIIA111, UZSJA111)
- Minor Paper
- Minor Paper Seminar
- Minor Thesis (SJIIA114, UZSJA114)
- Minor Thesis Seminar (SJIIA118, UZSJA118)
- Optional lecture I
- Optional lecture II
- Optional lecture III