Czech science foundation


About the programme

The Czech science foundation supports basic research within the framework of announced programmes, which are intended for both erudite scientists and teams, as well as for young and novice researchers. Scientific projects are supported across all scientific disciplines.

The GACR announces a range of public tenders:

  • Standard - standard projects focus on basic research for a single person or team of researchers from one or more organisations.
  • International -intended to support joint projects that enable the involvement of scientific teams in international collaboration. These are bilateral projects with foreign agencies according to the currently announced conditions. The project proposal on the Czech side is always submitted to the GACR, and the foreign partner submits the proposal to their local agency. The project is only supported if selected for funding by both the Czech and the foreign agency.
  • International LA (Lead Agency) - support for international research with the involvement of partner agencies from the WEAVE initiative. The Czech and foreign team will prepare only one scientific content for the project proposal (according to the requirements of the Lead Agency). The project is supported based on the decision of the Lead Agency
  • EXPRO - these types of projects aim to create conditions for excellent research. The condition for the successful completion of the project is to submit a project proposal to one of the main ERC calls with a host organization in the Czech Republic within one year of the completion of the project.
  • JUNIOR STAR- the programme aims to support young researchers no more than eight years after acquiring their Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) and who have significant international experience. These types of projects aim to promote excellent basic research and to enable early-career researchers to build an independent group with several collaborators.
  • POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP (IN / OUT) - these are individual projects. The Postdoc Individual Fellowship OUT is designed to enable outstanding early-career home-based researchers to pursue their own research project involving a long-term overseas research fellowship, combined with the completion of an investigation at a home institution. The Postdoc Individual Fellowship IN is intended for outstanding foreign researchers or Czech researchers with long-term foreign experience who will be enabled to implement their own scientific project at a Czech institution.

Web page GA ČR Grant application GRIS

Call schedule

Call opening: expected 1st half of February

Deadline - Research Ethics Committee: about 20 days from call opening

Deadline for submitting a proposal to GAČR:  expected early Aplil

Deadline for submitting an international (LA) proposal: according to the deadline of the international agency

Project duration:

  • 2-3 years
  • EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR 5 years


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