The Academic Senate met for the first time in its new composition
At the constituent session, the Chairmanship was elected and the Senate committees were appointed. The reform of doctoral studies was also discussed.
Become a member of the highest body of faculty self-government and participate in the running of the faculty. You can send your candidacy and election programs to the Electoral Committee until February 25.
All members of the academic staff of the Faculty are eligible to stand. For academic staff, this right applies to the Academic Staff Chamber, for students to the Student Chamber. Those who are both students and academic staff can only run for one chamber. The candidate himself/herself sends his/her candidature to the Electoral Committee in writing via e-mail in IS MU to In the e-mail, he/she indicates which chamber he/she is running for and may attach an election program. The following questions may inspire candidates:
More information about the activities of the AS FF MU and the issues it has dealt with in the past term is available on the senate website.
A list of members of the relevant electorate is available on request from the Electoral Committee.
The faculty public will have the opportunity to discuss the candidates in the IS MU discussion forum before voting begins. However, candidates may also independently promote their election programs to voters and even hold pre-election meetings at the faculty. However, there must be a fair level playing field in the campaign (e.g., PhD students who teach may not use the option of sending mass e-mails in IS MU, which is not available to students at lower levels of study, etc.). More detailed information about the election process can already be found in the relevant application in IS MU (Student Chamber, Academic Staff Chamber).
Dear colleagues, thank you for paying attention to the AS FF MU elections. It is our common goal that the Senate, which represents the entire academic community including all students, reflects the diversity of our talents and experiences and reflects different perspectives. However, in the long term, this highest body of academic self-governance has been gender imbalanced (see here). Help us change that.
The Electoral Committee of the AS FF MU:
At the constituent session, the Chairmanship was elected and the Senate committees were appointed. The reform of doctoral studies was also discussed.
In the final session, there was a discussion on the remuneration of senators or the promotion of eco-travel.