6th IDEAS English Students' Conference

ESCape, a club connecting the students of the Department of English and American Studies (DEAS) at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University invites you to the 5th IDEAS English Students’ Conference.

We are proud that our previous conferences were quite successful and we were only too happy to be introduced not only to the work of our colleagues from our faculty, but also the work of our guests from other English departments in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and even Hungary. This year we are hoping to reach even further and we would be most happy if you became a part of this, too!

The conference provides you with an opportunity to share your ideas and your research with other students and academics, to exchange ideas and scholarly experience and to practice your presentation skills (which may come in handy during your theses defences), but also to broaden your horizons and possibly get some inspiration for your own studies.

All B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. students who are interested in presenting their work (such as – but not necessarily – their B.A. and M.A. theses or doctoral projects) should send the topic and the outline of their presentations of max 300 words to esc.english@gmail.com by the 31st March 2018.

Categories: Linguistics, Literature, Cultural Studies, Translation, and English Language Teaching

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any further inquiries.

Organized by
Department of English and American Studies (Faculty of Arts)
Mgr. et Mgr. Kristína Šefčíková

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