Unveiling of the memorial plaque of Arne Novák

  • 15 November 2021
    3:30 PM
  • Corner of Arna Nováka and Grohova streets

Arne Novák was a professor of Czech literature at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University and belonged to its founding generation. In the academic year 1938-1939, he was elected rector of the university. In the difficult days of Czechoslovakia, he proved to be a great moral authority at the head of the university. Symbolically, in the year when the Faculty of Arts commemorates the centenary of the start of regular teaching, a memorial plaque in his memory will be installed on the faculty facade at the corner of Arna Nováka and Grohova Streets. All of you are cordially invited to this commemoration!

The event is part of the celebration of the centenary of the beginning of teaching at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University and the Humanities Week.

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