Fiori, fioretti, detti e sentenze. Gnomic literature between late Romance Middle Ages and Renaissance

  • 14 – 15 September 2023
    2:30 PM – 1:00 PM
  • Meeting Room, building C, Arna Nováka 1, Brno

The gnomic literature of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, including lives, narrative exempla and bare collections of sayings of sages (ancient or modern, pagan or Christian), constitutes a vast corpus of texts that has frequently attracted the attention of philological studies in recent decades, but much work remains to be done. Whether texts are known (Flowers and Lives of Philosophers, Flower of Virtues, Dits des philosophes) or still unpublished, new manuscript witnesses continue to emerge and connections, influences, derivations are recognised. The aim of this conference is to start or consolidate a dialogue between scholars working in this field.


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