Guided tour and workshop by Jitka Králová: I walk around the Baltic sea
17 April 2023
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM - Edikula Gallery, building C, Arna Nováka 1, Brno
Jitka Králová presents several artworks created during her year-long stay at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland. The situation in Covid-lockdown prompted her to look more intensively at the local landscape, especially the coastal one. Observations of the coast and the estuary of the Wisla river crystallized into a series of objects that explore the possibilities of transmitting the experience of a particular place.
The artist's desire to establish a relationship with the natural environment leads to the need to capture and transmit this experience in some way; the work becomes a kind of account of a personal story, the story of a place, and ultimately a record of the process itself.
The creation of the works is often preceded by an authorial method, a game with premeditated and planned rules. The event then serves as a starting point for artistic expression and has a more personal, contemplative character as well. The resulting objects speak for themselves, refer to the process of creation, and are not limited to a mere recording of the event.

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