Project information
Human-computer interaction, dialog systems and assistive technologies
- Project Identification
- MSM 143300003
- Project Period
- 1/1999 - 12/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- Research Intents
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Informatics
- Keywords
- virtual reality; collision detection; rendering; compression methods; haptic feedback; natural language processing; speech synthesis and recognition; dialogue systems; assistive technologies; Artificial Intelligence techniques, dialogue programming.
The aim of research proposal is an integrated approach to HCI. In this framework the main task is to combine techniques developed in the VR field with the techniques built in NLP and dialogue systems area. Special attention will be paid to the assistive technologies (directed to the improvement of life standards and support of handicapped). The combination of the research in VR,NLP,DGS field using both written and spoken natural language will yield a number of new research results and will contribute to the society. In this regard reasonable impact of the results in the international forum can be expected. FI MU is well prepared for the proposed research in the mentioned areas both with regard to the equipment (Virtual reality Lab, Natural Language Processing Lab and Acoustic and Phonetics Lab) and also personnell. It belongs to the leading institution in Czech Republic in this field.
In this framework the main task is to combine techniques developed in the VR field with the techniques built in NLP and dialogue systems area.
Total number of publications: 358
Education as an Information-Age Business
RUFIS 97 international conference, year: 1997
Fuzzy množiny v řízení a regulaci. Část I. Automatizace.
Automatizace, year: 1997, volume: 40, edition: 11
Fuzzy množiny v řízení a regulaci. Část II.
Automatizace, year: 1997, volume: 40, edition: 12
Genetic Algorithms-Based Evolution of Multiple Parallel PI+PD Fuzzy Controller Systems with Noisy Input Data.
Proc. of The 7th Intl. IFSA World Congress, year: 1997, number of pages: 6 s.
Homomorphisms and strong homomorphisms of relational structures.
Archivum Mathematicum, year: 1997, volume: 1997/33, edition: 1-2
Meta Computing - New Direction in High Performance Computing
ITAB´97, year: 1997, number of pages: 1 s.
Noninvasive estimation of Baroreflex Mediated Vasomotor Respons in healthy subjects and non-treated patients with essential hypertension
Scripta Medica, year: 1997, volume: 70, edition: 4-5
Optimal Trees for Searching in Codebook
Proceedings of SOFSEM 97, year: 1997
Relational structures and dependence spaces.
Czechoslovak Math. J., year: 1997, volume: 1997, edition: 47
Speech Synthesis of Czech Language in Time Domain and Applications for Visually Impaired
Proc. of the 2nd SQEL Workshop on Multi-Lingual Inf.Retriev., year: 1997, number of pages: 5 s.