Project information
Arts as Collaboration. Collaborative Projects in czech Art between 1998 and 2008
- Project Identification
- GP406/09/P371
- Project Period
- 1/2009 - 12/2011
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Postdoctoral projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Education
- Keywords
- art, collaborative art, gallery, theory of art, art education, qualitative research, discourse analysis
The project is aimed at researching collaborative projects relized in the Czech Republic between 1998 and 2008. It shall start with an analysis of discourse on collaborative art; a field of the research will be specified through a comparison between resources from Anglophone discourse and their Czech equivalents. The research will employ a range qualitative methods. After bibliographical search and document analysis is completed, a sample of relevant projects will be selected to be examined as case studies. Interviews with artists, curators, critics and gallery educators, or other agents who influence formation of the researched discourse, will follow. The research will lead to broadening the knowledge base of both history/theory of art and art education. The main outcome of the project will be a monograph; other outcomes will be articles published in relevant journals and conference presentations.
There were two registered outcomes of the project "Art as Collaboration" in the year 2010. Firstly it was an essay "Critical
Art and the Curatorial in Precarious Times" published in the Notebook for Art Theory, and Related Zones. It resulted from
the research on the discourse of collaborative and participatory art. The second result was an exhibition Moving Image in
the Prague-based gallery Futura. The exhibition focused on the Brno art scene and its collective activities, such as Fiume
and Anymade artistic groups.
Two outcomes of the project “Art as Collaboration” were published during the year 2011. The first is an article “Breaking
Point: Looking for a Social Turn in Czech Art“, that is based on a paper given at a conference The Outcomes of
Conceptualism (26th and 27th of May, 2011, Prague). The “Breaking Point” is focused on several exhibitions held at the
second half of the 1990 that signalled a move in interest towards socially and politically engaged forms artistic practice,
towards interventions in public space and towards site-specific artwork.
The essay “Breaking Point” is an adjusted chapter of the book The Art of Collaboration, which is the main outcome of the
project. It surveys outcomes of the “collaborative turn” within the Czech fine art in the last fifteen years.
An analysis of the general discourse on collaborative and participatory art and a survey on the paradigm of collaborative
art in the contemporary Czech art were defined as the aims of the project – and were successfully achieved. There was
another aim too, to research the field of interactions between collaborative and particiapatory art and education. This aim
was only partially fulfilled, since during a work on the project it became clear that extensive research into the field of
education would require broadening of both research field and methodology. Yet the results of the present research leave
a way open to an eventual ongoing research that goes in this direction.
Total number of publications: 12
Bod zlomu. Hledání sociálního obratu v českém umění
Notebook for art, theory and related zones, year: 2011, volume: roč. 5, edition: 11
Umění spolupráce
Year: 2011, number of pages: 292 s.
Year: 2010, type: Special-purpose publication
Jesper Alvaer : Zaměstnavatel a zaměstnanec
Flash Art Czech and Slovak Edition, year: 2010, volume: 15/5
Johanna Billing : Vezměte věci do vlastních rukou
Revue Labyrint : časopis pro literaturu, výtvarné umění, hudbu, film a pro podnikání v kultuře, year: 2010, volume: 2009, edition: 25-26
Kritické umění a kurátorství v nejisté době
Notebook for art, theory and related zones, year: 2010, volume: roč. 3, edition: 8
Lukáš Jasanský a Martin Polák - Barevná fotografie
Ateliér : čtrnáctideník současného výtvarného umění, year: 2010, volume: 23, edition: 19
Moving Image
Year: 2010, type: Exposition
Veronika Vlková
Art and Antiques, year: 2010, volume: 9, edition: 10
Year: 2009, type: Special-purpose publication