Project information
Řízení zátěže v prostředí distribuované energetiky (DECODIS)


This project doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Informatics. Official project website can be found on
Investor logo
Project Identification
Project Period
1/2022 - 12/2024
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Informatics
Cooperating Organization
Brno University of Technology
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Czech Technical University Prague
Mycroft Mind, a. s.
ČEZ, a.s.
ZPA Smart Energy a.s.
PREdistribuce, a.s.

Current tools for load management of the distribution system are at the limit of their moral and often technical lifetime. The renewal of HDO infrastructure in light of the expected implementation of AMM and other changes in the energy environment, which can be derived not only from technological and market trends, but also from legislative and regulatory changes, raises the need for a fundamental revision of the approach to the load management system. Therefore, there is a growing demand for innovative solutions in the area of detailed analytics and optimization of distribution system operations.

Sustainable Development Goals

Masaryk University is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to improve the conditions and quality of life on our planet by 2030.

Sustainable Development Goal No.  7 – Affordable and clean energy


Total number of publications: 9

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