Project information
Water and Energy in Public Economics: Case Studies and Good Governance in Central and Southeast Asian Countries in Transition


This project doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Economics and Administration. Official project website can be found on
Project Identification
Project Period
1/2022 - 12/2022
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Economics and Administration

The goal of this project is to analyze water and energy management in Central and Southeast Asian countries in transition. Particular aims: 1) Preparation and comparison of case studies from public sectors, 2) Analysis of good governance and 3) peculiarities affecting transformation: influence of clans, customary law, foreign investors. Planned outputs: preliminary English manuscript of one paper for international journal, 3 small reports in Czech for journals Vodní hospodářství and Energetika.


Total number of publications: 7

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