Project information
Česko-rakouská hranice a změny jejího vnímání
- Project Identification
- 54p3
- Project Period
- 9/2009 - 11/2009
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
- AKTION Czech Republic - Austria (Education only)
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
- Mag. Michaela Kropik
- Other MU Faculty/Unit
Faculty of Arts
- Mag. phil. Katharina Wessely, Dr. phil.
- Keywords
- project, students, czech-austrian border, perspective of different reseach disciplines, from an artistic perspective, lectures, procet work
- Cooperating Organization
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
- Responsible person Univ. prof. Mag. Matthias Herrmann
The aim of the project is to discuss the meaning of the czech-austrian border at different times for different people and also from the perspective of different research disciplines and from an artistic perspective. Students deal with the topic in form of lectures, expert presentations of art works, discussion in german language and oral-history-interviews.
Total number of publications: 1
Von Grenzen und Literatur. Am Beispiel der deutschsprachigen Literatur aus Böhmen und Mähren
Year: 2009, type: Requested lectures