Výbory žen při místních národních výborech - pokus komunistického vedení o novou etapu "ženského hnutí" v Československu

Title in English Women's committees at local national committees - an attempt of the Communist leadership for a new stage of the "women's movement" in Czechoslovakia


Year of publication 2012
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The text deals with new stage of women s movement after 1952. The study is focused on formal organizational structure, ideological background, and discrepancies between their proclaimed goals and objectives and day-to-day practices. The study also presents evidence to the effect that, obvious efforts of the leadership of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to support the women s committees and make them work notwithstanding, the outcome was quite the opposite. It shows the limits of capabilities of the power monopoly of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in post-February 1948 years, which somewhat contradict traditional interpretation models of the classical theory of totalitarianism.

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