Urbáře jako zdroj výzkumu staročeských antroponym (k pojmenovací soustavě 14. století)

Title in English Urbars as a Source of Personal Proper Names (Proper Name System in the 14th Century)


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jednotlivé a všeobecné v onomastike. 18. slovenská onomastická konferencia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.pulib.sk/elpub2/FF/Olostiak3/pdf_doc/08-stefkova.pdf
Field Linguistics
Keywords anthroponym; proper name; one-word proper name system; more-word proper name system; Old Czech; 14th century; urbars
Description The present paper aims to analyse the proprial system of personal names in the urbars of the 14th century. The research outcomes indicate that one-word proper name system prevails (e. g. Bláha, Jan or Ondřej), this type being used in approximately 90 % of all the excerpted names. Other types of personal names can be found too: a combination of a one-word proper name with a specifying complement (name of profession, location, further characteristics, etc.), or a combination of a first name and a surname. In the urbars these types are rather rare. High occurrence of one-word proper names does not correspond with the results presented in some other papers, which may be explained by the uniqueness of the urbars: 1) one-word proper name system is used within small communities where there were no people with the same name; 2) the localization and property together with duties of the duty payers help to identify the respective persons; 3) the urbars are regarded as unofficial administrative texts. If the proper name system in the 14th century is to be investigated in greater detail, it is necessary to study other types of historical documents as well (diplomatic documents, lists of priests, obituaries, etc.).
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