Bohatá pokladnice konceptů a idejí. Ikonografické programy a jejich tvůrci v období baroka na Moravě.

Title in English A rich treasury of concepts and ideas. Iconographic programmes and their creators in Moravia in the Baroque period.


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web Digitální knihovna FF
Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords iconography; iconology; concetto; concettismo; baroque wall painting; Central Europe; Franz Anton Maulbertsch
Description Following the model of Austrian and German art history, this study summarises the results of the research that has been carried out up till now on iconographic programmes in Moravia and the artists who created them. On the basis of the facts that we have at our disposal so far, an attempt is made to formulate more precisely the questions linked to our knowledge and interpretation of Baroque concepts (concetta), and indicates the direction of the further research.
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