Brněnská slavistika a evropské programy

Title in English The Brno Slavonic Studies and European Programmes

ŠAUR Josef

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Novaja rusistika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Management and administrative
Keywords Brno; Institute of Slavonic Studies; Masaryk University; European Social Fund; projects
Attached files
Description Author presents experience gain from realization of projects co-financed by the European Social Fund. The Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University successfully realized two such projects in the field of philological-area studies (project Further Education of the Researchers in the Sphere of Philological-Area Studies) and teaching Russian language(project Innovation of Postgraduate Education of Russian Language Teachers from Basic and Secondary Schools in Further Training Courses in South-Moravian Region) in the last three years. The institute also participates in the realization project Faculty of Arts as a Centre of Excellence in Education: Complex Innovation of Study Programmes and Fields at FF MU with Regard to the Requirements of the Knowledge Economy (FIFA).
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