Absolventi FRRMS rok 2013: Spokojenost se studiem a uplatnitelnost na trhu práce

Title in English FRRMS Graguates year 2013: Satisfaction with education and employability


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference Region v rozvoji společnosti 2013
web http://www.respo.frrms.mendelu.cz/cz/sbornik_clanku
Field Psychology
Keywords FRRMS Graguates year 2013: Satisfaction with education and employability
Description This study is connected to 2 preceding researches related to FRRMS MENDELU graduates. The satisfaction of the graduates with the quality of the studies at FRRMS MENDELU is conducted periodically since 2011. The Study 1 sums up the results of current study and relates them to the results of previous studies on graduate satisfaction. Study 2 is concerned with FRRMS MENDELU graduates employability and derives from the data obtained during the research conducted on the basis of Institutional developmental plan MENDELU u for year 2013 and its constituent part – The monitoring of the employability of the graduates of the faculties and the academic institute MENDELU.

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