Paradiplomacie : teoretické uchopení v mezinárodních vztazích, politologii, evropských studiích a regionálním rozvoji


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Title in English Paradiplomacy : Theoretical Approaches in International Relations, Political Science, European Studies and Regional Development


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Regionální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords paradiplomacie;regionální politika;teorie mezinárodních vztahů;politologie;evropská studia;regionální rozvoj
Description The article focuses on involvement of regions and municipalities in international relations, for which the term paradiplomacy has been coined. A multi-disciplinal approach is used. The phenomenon is viewed from the perspectives of the International Relations, Political Science, European Studies and Regional Development. The article shows particular theoretical approaches and concepts, which are able to explain paradiplomacy. The article is based on existing theoretical and empirical literature on the issue. We conclude that the best explanatory tools for empirical research offer European Studies, Political Science and Regional Development, whereas International Relations were not that much successful in developing an appropriate approach to the phenomenon.
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