Typologie stavebních objektů a vodních prvků v památkách zahradního umění (nejen o inspiraci v historii)

Title in English Typology of water elements and water buildings in the historical gardens


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Voda - pramen života, Vodní stavby a vodní prvky v zahradách a parcích
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Hlavní strana konference pořádané klubem UNESCO Kroměříž
Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords typology; gardens; water elements; history; waterfall; rive; cascade; lake
Description The article deals with reflections concerning water elements in the works of several important landscape architects (especially Antoine Joseph Dezallier dArgenville,Éduard André). Thanks to the analysis of particular parts of their works the authors create in the article a typology of water elements and water buildings in garden and landscape architecture.
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