Jugoslovensko-cehoslovacki odnosi u medjuratnom periodu

Title in English Yugoslav-Czechoslovak relations in the Interwar period


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Herald of the Association of the Archives’ Employees of the Republic of Srpska
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.uarrs-arhivisti.org/Doc.aspx?subcat=8&cat=3&id=3&lang=cir
Field History
Keywords Czehoslovak-Yugoslav economic relations
Attached files
Description In the interwar period, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were close allies and, except for a very fruitful cooperation in political and military terms, had a very developed economic relations. Czechoslovakia as an exporter of manufactured goods, the importer of the Yugoslav agricultural products and an important source of investment was one of the most important economic partners of the Kingdom. Close relationships culminated with creation of Economic councils of the Little Entente, which is aimed at full integration of the two countries and their Romanian allies.
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