Orfeo e la potenza dell’arte. La rinascita del teatro e della musica tra Poliziano, Rinuccini e Striggio-Monteverdi

Title in English Orpheus and the power of art. theatre and music flourishing again from Poliziano to Rinuccini to Striggio-Monteverdi


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Rhesis
Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Orpheus and Eurydice; theatre; opera; genres; texts and transmission
Description This paper aims to uncover the meaning of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in Italian theatre plays and operas from the Late Reinassance to the Early Baroque, especially regarding the definition of genre and the transmission of such texts. Since vernacular secular theatre and opera were a novelty, it is not unreasonable to infer that the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice was intended as a means to celebrate the power of theatre and music flourishing again. One section is devoted to the complex relationship between the libretto of Ottavio Rinuccini’s Euridice and the two musical scores (by Iacopo Peri and Giulio Caccini).

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