Analýza výukových situací se zaměřením na výuku druhého cizího jazyka v kontextu konceptu mnohojazyčnosti


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Analysis of classroom situations in second language instruction in the context

JANÍK Miroslav

Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The paper deals with the issue of support of multilingualism in lessons of German as the second foreign language. We understand multilingualism as the ability to use three or more languages on different levels. When it comes to implementing multilingualism to foreign language lessons, we can make use of the concept of multilingualism supporting didactics which is based on the theory of language transfer and emphasizes metacognitive and metalinguistic components of foreign language learning. The data were collected within IRSE Videostudy of German as a foreign language. To answer our research questions we opted for the method of interaction analysis. Results of the pilot study indicate that there are situations in German lesson that bear potential for the development of multilingualism and that teachers react to these situations in different ways.
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