"Bude žít věčně" Smrt Klementa Gottwalda v konceptu politického náboženství

Title in English "He will live forever". The death of Klement Gottwald in the concept of political religion


Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The text deals with contemporary reflection on the death of Klement Gottwald in major newspapers - Rudé právo, Svobodné slovo, Lidová demokracie a Mladá fronta. Through cultural and historical analysis, the text focuses on the ways of presenting the president, the role of the Communist Party, the meaning of losing the leading champion of socialism, future prospects, his ritual funeral etc. The character of the presentation of this event has points in common with the concept of political religion, which indicates elements and processes of the sacralization of policy and its main players.

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