Zavolal jsem si taxík/taxíka - životná koncovka neživotných maskulin v akuzativu singuláru

Title in English I Called the Taxi - the Animate Ending of Inanimate Masculines in Accusative Singular


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Od slova k modelu jazyka. Sborník z 13. mezinárodního setkání mladých lingvistů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords animate ending; inanimate masculine; corpus; phrase; category
Description The animate ending "-a" in AccSg. of inanimate masculines was examined by using texts of SYN2005, SYN2009PUB and SYN2010 corpora (all reliable lemmatized and morphologically tagged). The highest percentage of animate ending of masculines is connected regularly with occurrence of these masculines in phrases.
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