Interaktivní online komentáře při opravování chyb u videonahraných prezentací a hodnotící sebereflexe studenta

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Title in English Online interactive teacher’s commentary on videotaped presentations and student’s self-reflection


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Práce s chybou ve výuce cizích jazyků (včetně češtiny pro cizince)
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords videotaped presentation; interactive mistake correction; teacher's online commentary; active self-reflection; online feedback; self-correction
Description The paper looks at a new interactive method of mistake correction and active self-reflection in PhD student's video recorded presentations. PhD students give presentations of their research upon a prescribed structure. Being uploaded to and secured in the Masaryk University Information System, the recorded performance can be watched by the student and supplemented with their online self-reflection as well as self-evaluation and peer-evaluation. Meanwhile, the video recordings are equipped with online teacher’s commentary and the correction of mistakes with a possible interactive jump to a particular video sequence and a link to online dictionaries for self-correction. Immediate feedback and the analysis of typical mistakes during the follow-up seminar by means of various exercises can assist the student in further development of their presentation skills in English.
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