Literatura a poznání

Title in English Literature and knowledge


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords literature; knowledge; cognitivism; Stolnitz; Graham
Description The goal of the paper is to reconsider two incompatible stances on a possible cognitive gain from belles-lettres stories. Cognitivism is based on the fundamental state that a value of work of art is proportional to the degree of knowledge it brings. It is presupposed that a reader´s mental state before reading such stories is, in a way, poorer then thereafter. What kind of properties does such cognitive gain have? Is it a moral piece of knowledge? Or is it a piece of knowledge at all? A role of truth is mentioned. Two pros et cons arguments – namely Graham's (argument about the cognitive value of the arts) and Stolnitz's ones (argument about cognitive triviality of art) – are briefly examined. In the last part, a natural view of a literary cognitive gain is offered.
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