Mstivá forma Fitchova paradoxu a její odmítnutí v rámci typování znalosti

Title in English A Revenge Formo f Fitch's Paradox and its Refutation within Typing Knowledge Framework


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Organon F : international journal of analytic philosophy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Fitch’s knowability paradox; revenge; Russellian typing knowledge; ramified hierarchy of types; quantification over types; Russell; Tichý; Church
Description Typing knowledge is capable to resolve Fitch's knowability paradox. As I argued elsewhere, Russellian typing knowledge is immune to the recently raised criticism of the typing approach. This paper focuses on a special form of the criticism proposing a revenge problem raised by Williamson, Hart and also Carrara with Fassio. The basic idea of the revenge Fitch's paradox employs quantification over type levels. But the formalism used by the critics is ambivalent. I concentrate only on its two most probable readings, explaining also quantification over types and quantification over orders. As I show in details, if such readings went through, they would violate the typing rules in a direct manner. Hence, there is no revenge for the Russellian typing approach to Fitch's knowability paradox.
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