Nietzsche o konstitutivní roli rétoriky v názorné zkušenosti (1868–1873)

Title in English Nietzsche on the constitutive role of rhetoric in intuitive experience (1868–1873)

LAGA Stanislav

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Filozofie dnes
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web pdf
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Nietzsche; Gerber; Lange; Hartmann; rhetoric; conceptual metaphor
Description Nietzsche's interest in the topic of rhetoric reached first notional climax at the end of 1872 and the first half of next year. The common point of his texts from this period, i.e. essay On Truth and Lies, university lectures and personal sketches, became the idea that the rhetorical activity can't be reduced solely to the area of language; it is because rhetorical activity is also present throughout the constitution of our experience. In an effort to explain this – for the history of rhetoric completely atypical – conception, however, I will need to touch also several philosophical traditions of that time which enabled Nietzsche to clarify his own epistemological bases in the late 60's and the early 70's. In conclusion, I try (without profounder criticism) to find possible parallels between this idea and theories of conceptual metaphors which Nietzsche foreshadowed in many ways.
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