Analysis of mergers in Czech agricultural companies

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Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Agricultural Economics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Management and administrative
Keywords agriculture; mergers; economic development of a company; financial position; performance
Description Agriculture represents a signifi cant part of the national economy. It secures production of food and infl uences many related processing industries. Although the volume of agricultural production and its proportion in the gross dom estic product has been decreasing, there is a huge interest in increasing the performance of agriculture companies. One of the ways to enhance the company performance, to gain new markets or to achieve cost savings is a merger. Mergers are not very usual in the fi eld of agriculture currently – their proportion in the total number of mergers in the Czech Republic in 2001–2013 was 3.07%. Th e aim of this paper is to analyse mergers in the fi eld of agriculture. Th e analysis focuses on the consequences of mergers from the perspective of changes in the fi nancial position and the company performance in the year before the merger and three years after the merger. Th e analysis proved that the company size (measured by the balance sheet total) decreased as a consequence of mergers and their performance increased.
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