Niekoľko poznámok k prenikaniu nových kategórií do oblasti estetiky

Title in English Few Notes on Invading of New Categories into the Realm of Aesthetics


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Klasické estetické kategórie v kontexte postmodernej filozofie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords aesthetics; category; aura; new sensibility; disappearance; simulacrum; plateau; rhizome; chaosmos; abjection
Description Author deals in his paper with the ongoing process of invading of new concepts and categories into the aesthetics from other branches of humanities as well as from natural sciences and informatics. Having explaining the categories of aura, new sensibility, disappearance, simulacrum, plateau, rhizome, chaosmos and abjection, he exemplifies the intensive interdisciplinary dialog between various sciences and at the same time he emphasizes current actuality of the aesthetic thinking as proclaimed by German philosopher and aesthetician Wolfgang Welsch.
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