Neúspěšné pokusy o smír – česká politická reprezentace, Nikola Pašić a Leopold Berchtold v předvečer Velké války

Title in English Unsuccessful Reconciliation Trials – Czech Political Representation, Nikola Pašić & Lepopold Berchtold on the Eve of the Great War


Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Paper herein, ensuing from newly found archival documents the author has dedicated to the efforts of politicians coming from Czech Lands of the Habsburg Monarchy to act as mediators between the Serbia and Austro-Hungarian Empire. Said took place during the politically unstable period of the Balkan Wars. Issue of relations arisen between both countries hereof, covering the free Serbian access to the Adriatic Sea in Albania which strained already at that time; became as acute as it could result in Austrian military intervention. However, missions of Members of Austrian Parliament Messrs. Josef Redlich, Karl Kramář, and Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk were not successful. Based on archival research, V. Štěpánek showed that the most comprehensive Serbian offer for holding the negotiations, bringing a possibility of personal meeting to be taken between Serbian Prime Minister H.E. Nikola Pašić and Austro-Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Leopold Berchtold; was submitted by M.P. Mr. Masaryk in December 1912. However, its declination, author states, deepened the tense between both states hereof, resulting directly in the war confrontation.

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