Intormation Behavior of Gifted Children in the Pre-literate Stage - Qualitative Study



Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source American Journal of Educational Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords information behavior; giftedness; children; question skill; content analysis
Description The presented qualitative study is part of a broader research aim dealing with select contexts of everyday information behavior of exceptionally gifted children at the pre-literate age. The primary goal of this study was to examine if and how information behavior of exceptionally gifted pre-literate children is reflected in the manner and formulation of their questions, and whether this behavior differs from the behavior of children with average intellectual abilities. The following aim was subsequently based on the assumption that the giftedness of children of this age is reflected in the way they process information. In order to meet the pre-literacy condition, participants were chosen from children starting their first year of school (aged 5 to 7). The research sample consisted of 12 participants (6 in the experimental group and 6 in the control group). Questions generated by both groups, as a response to the selected neutral stimulus, were examined and compared by frequency and content analysis. The subjective evaluation of the information behavior was compared from the point of view of the children and their parents as well. The results indicate that information behavior of the exceptionally gifted children is different in specific directions from information seeking behavior of children with average intellectual abilities.

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