Metafory, kterými hrajeme : perspektivy a meze české kognitivní teatrologie

Title in English Metaphors we act by : prospects and limits of the Czech cognitive theatrology


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Theatralia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords cognitive science; cognitive studies; theatre studies; theatrology; embodied mind; conceptual metaphor; primary metaphor; pictorial scheme; George Lakoff; Mark Johnson; Mark Turner; Gilles Fauconnier; Bruce McConachie; John Lutterbie
Description The given study presents the main terms and theoretical concepts of cognitive theatrology. The author aims at making the Czech audience acquainted with the foundation texts of this relatively new branch of theatre studies which draws abundantly from other disciplines, and indicate its possible application in research. Discussion is carried on what is the use of cognitive science in theatre research, which issues it can handle, and what methodology it employs.
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