Písně zbožné i rozverné. Proměny hudební kultury v klášterech Břevnov, Broumov a Rajhrad

Title in English Pious Songs and Profane Songs. Transformations of Musical Culture in Monasteries Brevnov, Broumov and Rajhrad


Year of publication 2015
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description "In conspectu angelorum psallam Tibi", this is quotation from a book of precepts written for a Benedictine order by St. Benedict of Nursia. Music and its practice is a fundamental part of Benedictine spirituality and St. Benedict is rightly, thanks to his still inspiring spiritual legacy, one of the patron saints of Europe. Benedictine monasteries in Břevnov, Broumov and Rajhrad, closely bound together in the past, are respected heirs and propagators of the cultural heritage of the Benedictine order. This claiming is foremost apparent in their musical culture that is presented in the lecture.
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