Legitimacy as the First Step towards Inculturation: How has the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Established Legitimacy for Publishing Public Statements?



Year of publication 2015
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description In my paper I wanted to show why I suppose that legitimization can be considered as the first step towards inculturation. If inculturation is intentional transmission of system of ideas and values from one culture to another, than the Presbyterian Christian ideas (which are specific, but I realize they are not Western anymore) represent the system of cultural values that are trying to be passed to Taiwanese culture. This system includes not only religious beliefs, but also other cultural or political ideas. Therefore legitimization is very important it process of inculturation. Legitimization provides the church with recognition – and the church´s ideas can be transferred only if they are widespread. The questions that this paper aims to answer are how exactly has the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan in context of the public statements established legitimacy for its social involvement, which strategies has the PCT used, and if the problem of legitimacy is connected to process of inculturation.

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