Tumulus Culture and Economical Change



Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation HAJNALOVÁ, Mária and Klára ŠABATOVÁ. Tumulus Culture and Economical Change. In Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the last 12.000 years: The Creation of Landscapes III. 2013.
Description This paper is based on two independent studies. The first of these is a complete work on a Middle to Late Bronze age site (Přáslavice, Moravia), the second is a complete archeobotanical work from the Bronze Age in Slovakia. Both studies independently came to the conclusion that, in the Middle Bronze Age (1600/1550 - 1300 BCE), there is a clear change in the economic strategy when compared to the preceding Early Bronze Age (2100 - 1600/1550 BCE) and the Urnfield Cultures (1300 - 800 BCE). From the combination of observations from the areas of Moravia and Slovakia, we observe a shift in food production and a resultant economic change.

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