6. workshop ke středověké a novověké keramice: Seminář k vrcholně a pozdně středověké keramice a experimentální workshop studia hrnčířských postupů při výrobě keramiky

Title in English 6th Medieval and Post-medieval Pottery Workshop: Seminar about high and late medieval Pottery and experimental Workshop about pottery forming techniques

DOLEŽALOVÁ Kateřina ČAPEK Ladislav

Year of publication 2015
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Workshop for researchers and students was focused on medieval and postmedieval pottery production, modern method of analysing pottery and possibilities of experimental archaeology for this topic. Main topics of 6th workshop was Presentation master and PhD thesis about archaeological pottery finds, Interdisciplinary research of pottery, Experimental tested of traditional pottery making and Presenting and discussing archaeological pottery finds.
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