Filozofická témata v moderní vědě a technice

Title in English Philosophical topics in modern science and technology


Year of publication 2016
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The lecture was divided into two parts. First part was dedicated to historical background of evolution of relationship between philosophy and science. That means from the initial state where philosophy was considered to be the sum of whole human knowledge; through the state where individual scientific disciplines separated own parts from that reservoir of philosophy; to the contemporary situation where every part of human knowledge has its very own science and philosophy seems to be groundless. Aim of this talk was to show that there still exists strong bond between philosophy and science and they both can benefit from cooperation. In second part, I discussed three particular examples of benefits the philosophy can bring to scientific research. Firstly, I presented metaphysics in current neuroscience. Secondly, I presented epistemological questions in robotics. Finally, my lecture ended with examples of ethical problems in modern medicine.
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