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Title in English The Meaning of Taking care of Human Remains in selected Neapolitan Ossuaries

MAIELLO Giuseppe

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kumšt (k) smrti z kulturologických priezorov
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.kkult.ff.ukf.sk/publikacie/kumst-k-smrti-z-kulturologickych-priezorov
Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords anthropology of religion - anthropology of death - Purgatory - Ossuary - Fontanelle cemetery
Attached files
Description The study describes the development and significance of the so-called Cult of the abandoned souls in Purgatory, which developed and still partly persists in the crypts of two churches and one ossuary in Naples. It is a modern cult of the dead, probably associated with the economic decadence typical in the city of Naples, which contradicts the commandments of the Catholic Church. The approach to study this phenomenon is generally anthropological, with regard to what Claude Lévi-Strauss called "implicit mythology", ie., a mythology that only exists on the level of drawings and subsidiary narratives.

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