Objev kostela na zaniklé středověké vsi Opatovice (k.ú. Hrušky) a její struktura

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Title in English The discovery of the church at the deserted medieval village Opatovice (c.d. Hrušky)


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Jižní Morava
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords deserted medieval village; geophysical survey; geomagnetics; ground penetrating radar; church
Description A survey of the deserted medieval village of Opatovice, cadastral district of Hrušky. A geophysical survey conducted at the deserted medieval village (DMV) of Opatovice (cadastral district of Hrušky, South-Eastern Moravia), which was focused on enclosures of deserted medieval villages in the Břeclav Region, identified a rectangular feature, whose longitudinal axis was oriented E-W. The negative magnetic anomalies detected indicate that the feature was built of stone. Its shape, size, orientation and location indicated the possible existence of a church, which was not recorded in written sources. The subsequent ground penetrating radar survey and exploratory drilling confirmed this assumption.
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