Orangutan parasites

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2015
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Parasites can have significant impact on orangutan health and there are many noninvasive methods that can be used on both captive/center/wild orangutan populations. Our team collects behavioral data, fecal samples and phenology. The main aim is self-medication: most studies have been done on chimpanzees. There have been no documented cases of self-medication in orangutans. Looking currently at use of Sirih-sirih – Piper aduncum L Piperaceae. The most prevalent parasites seen in orangutans are: Balantidium spp. / Entamoeba spp. /m Trichuris sp. / Strongyloides sp. / Oesophagostomum sp. / Enterobiinae. A New species discovered Pongobius hugoti, Lemuricola pongoi.
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