Petroarcheologický popis nábrusů keramiky jako nástroj zachycení standardizace keramické produkce ve straší době bronzové


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Title in English Petroarchaeological description of polished sections from pottery as a tool for capturing standardization of the Early Bronze Age ceramic production


Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Workshopy ke středověké a novověké keramice
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords petroarchaeology; macroscopic description; polished sections; Early Bronze Age; pottery making; standardization
Description The dates obtained by petro-archaeological description of polished sections can represent a link between standard databases, which were set up with the help of superficial macroscopic description of a large amount of ceramic fragments, and detailed micro- petrographic or instrumental approaches. Petro-archaeological description of polished sections was applied to ceramic artefacts from the Blučina – Cezavy site (Early Bronze Age). The samples were analysed by correspondence analysis and classified using the Ward method based on the values from the first two dimensions. Each of the clusters (groups) identified is mainly characterised by the presence of different types of rocks. Pottery belonging to cluster 3 corresponds in its forms especially to bowls and tableware, it is fired in highly reductive atmosphere and thoroughly burnished. In this segment of pottery production we thus suppose some technological and raw- -material standardisation.
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