K mezipředmětovému dialogu : interdisciplinární vzdělávání na příkladu desíti vybraných osobností historie vědy

Title in English The interdisciplinary dialogue : an interdisciplinary education on the example of the ten personalities from the history of science

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2016
Type Survey and educational texts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Book looks at ten of interesting personalities from the history of science and strives for their cross-curricular interpretation. It is thus, for example, Aristotle, Archimedes, Newton, Mach, Gödel or Ricimu and de Chardin. It offers a view of selected parts of their life and work. Trying to is to present in a form that would be interesting for teachers and allow them a personality, not only to think more flexibly, but also offered some clues on how to implement it into the classroom.
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