Using Tablets For Project-based Learning in English as a Foreign Language: Course Design



Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference DisCo 2015: From analog education to digital education 10th Conference Reader
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Tablet; PBL; EFL; Course design; iPad
Description The paper examines various ways in which tablets can be used to facilitate project-based learning through designing and piloting a course for students of English. The paper offers a review of recent scholarly texts written on the topic of using tablets. It then presents some key concepts of project-based learning and the use of tablets for language learning. Emphasis is also put on the 21st century skills and their role in PBL. The paper then tries to address the integration of technology into the English classroom and the connection between the behaviouristic approach of CALL and the way it is tied to using tablets in the 21st century. The objective of this paper is to design a course for EFL learners that would incorporate PBL and the use of tablets, in this case iPads in particular. This course consists of ten lessons. The evaluation of the course includes a feedback form that was completed by students after finishing the course. Subjective feedback is also provided by the teacher. The final chapter is devoted to limitations and suggestions for further research, which serve as a reflection to the course that is designed and taught.

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