Občanská věda a vzdělávání v zrcadle digitálních technologií

Title in English Civil Science and Civil Education in the Mirror of Digital Technologies

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2016
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference INFORUM 2016: 22. ročník konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.inforum.cz/sbornik/2016/38
Field Pedagogy and education
Description Civic Science is an interesting phenomenon that allows the active participation of individuals in scientific knowledge. While modern scientific articles often only have very little ambition to popularize their findings and are strongly focused on a narrow professional community and the phenomenon of citizen science offers the possibility of precisely the reverse process – through hobbies laity (non-professionals) to work on current scientific issues. It is yet quite indifferent whether it is watching dialects larks or studying variable stars. Civil science has an international context, and often targets the creation of strong communities across continents or countries. In the Czech Masaryk's specific context of civic education. The idea that against superstition, unemployment, as well as extremism and poverty can be successfully training is something quite fundamental, what would the library, but also other institutions should and could work. The topics of civic education can be selected in various ways, but we would like to point out a possible connection was actively operated with civic science. Connection civil science and civic education creates (in the context of access to electronic information resources, but also online communities and open data), interesting space for the library, which could become the hub of this form of active participation in the growth of human knowledge. The density of the network of libraries, which is based precisely on humanistic ideals, could be due to the systematic support of both individuals and entire communities offer interesting historic renaissance of its significance. The paper will focus on information technology and technical capabilities that enable libraries to run this activity, and we will try to highlight the opportunities that are actively associated with them.

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