L’antiquité, le théâtre et le sacré : les (ré)découvertes théâtrales de Michel Tremblay

Title in English The celebration of the stage ritual: theatre (re)discovering of Michela Tremblay


Year of publication 2016
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The work of Michel Tremblay surprises with its originality and elaborated structure: the Québec author (re)discovers different semiotic codes (e.g. musical) in the construction of his plays; creates lyrical testimonies inspired by the exalted theatricality of the opera. These characteristics link with other surprising (re)discoveries: the author actualizes the schemas and motives of the Greek tragedy in his works. In our article, we plan to follow mainly the reactualization of the choir. The choir also is reactualized in the frame of other structural construction, we mean the Catholic liturgy. Through the Greek tragedy and liturgy, Tremblay re-discovers the theatre play as a ritual. In the frame of such a ritual, he seeks catharsis as a momentaneous oblivion (influenced by the theatrical dimension) in the collective sharing.
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